4 Easy Ways to De-stress
Easy ways to de-stress
We all lead busy lives! Family, work, kids, house cleaning, planning events, and much more fill up our schedules. Sometimes we need to take time out of our busy days to decompress and de-stress from daily life.
1. Create a Relaxation Room or Space
Listen to Music or Read a Book in that Space
Sometimes all we need is a little bit of time alone to relax and listen to our favourite music. Other times we need time to catch up on our favourite novel or flip through the pages of a magazine. Either way we need space to relax and have 100% alone time.
2. Exercise to relieve stress
Do Yoga or go for a walk
A little bit of physical activity can go a long way! Take 5 or 10 minutes to take a walk outside or do some light stretching. You can take that time to think about anything else besides your stress.
3. Disconnect from Life!
Turn Off Your Phone and/or go for a Drive
Get away from people for a little while. An hour or two without anyone asking you for anything or bothering you in general will help decrease your stress levels! Tell your husband you are going out and leave the kids behind! Turn off your phone and enjoy a little time out.
4. Accomplish Something Small
Clean out Your Bag
Sometimes our stress stems from thinking that we can't accomplish everything we want to. This may seem boring, but it can really help with your stress. Not only will you have a nice clean bag, but you will feel like you accomplished something!
Bonus: Wear Jewelry as an Intention
A great way to keep stress under control is to have a daily reminder. Consider the balance necklace as a reminder that a happy life is not built upon the goal of perfection, but balance. If bracelets are your thing our alabaster gemstone bracelet represents clarity, forgiveness, and relaxation. Wear your bracelet as a daily reminder that alabaster stimulates mental clarity, aids forgiveness and eases anxiety.